C Willi Myles, a national traveling comedian, has the gift of connecting people through humor and storytelling that we can all relate to. After surviving his childhood growing up with nine sisters and one brother, Willi moved to Minnesota and brought his stories about growing up in the south and acclimating to the cold of Minnesota. He shares extremely funny, non-offensive stories and jokes and gives a unique spin to life’s everyday challenges by applying humor to them. $15 before Feb. 8, $20 at the door. The doors and cash bar open at 7 pm for the show.
Dinner & Show Option: Make it an experience and join us before the show for a dinner salad, chicken alfredo, breakstick, dessert, and beverage. The doors and cash bar open at 5:30 pm, and dinner will be served at 6 pm. Dinner and Show tickets must be purchased before Feb. 7.